The Pantheist in me

Jul 5, 2021

Don’t tell me who I am. Let me define myself. Don’t tell me which religion is the best. Let me choose for myself. As a child, I was raised as a muslim. People treat religion as something sacred back in the days. Like it’s just something to be accepted, and not questioned. A tyranny of the mind. Who gives these people the right to decide what’s best for you? Who is to say who deserves to go to hell or heaven? Or to say what is good or evil? Nobody. Nobody has the right to decide anything for me. NOBODY. Luckily I escaped most religion. Dabble a bit in Buddhism, before it sounded like bullshit to me. But, I do still meditate. In the end I found my God in nature, and that is all it is needed to keep me alive.




Freelancer in art and language. Master of science dropout. An expert in avoiding toxic people.